Refund policy

We offer free returns and exchanges within 30 days of receiving your order. If you wish to exchange your item, we will send out a replacement within 7 days of receiving your returned item. We will notify you via email once your replacement has been shipped. Please note that for exchanges initiated by the customer, an additional $9.90 shipping fee will apply.

If you wish to return your item for a refund, please send it to our designated warehouse within 30 days of receiving your order. We will process your refund within 7 days of receiving your returned item. Please allow 7-15 business days for the refund to reflect on your credit card, as timing may vary depending on your bank.

If you receive a damaged or incorrect item, please take photos and contact us immediately. We will process a free replacement for you within 3 business days.

Please note that we do not offer compensation for items damaged by customers, and we cannot accept returns for such items.


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